February 22, 2023
Invisalign is the teethstraightening treatment that everyone is talking about. Many patients with dental issues such asovercrowded, misaligned, or unevenly spaced teeth are jumping on board at thechance to learn more about this innovative teeth straightening option.
When we think of teethstraightening an immediate image that comes to mind is one of wearing a ‘traintrack’ brace. A metal brace is atraditional orthodontic treatment, and this option is certainly the most economical,but will it suit you and your lifestyle? Perhaps you are looking for a treatment which is a little morecomfortable, discreet, and flexible … in every way! Are you ready to invest in your smile andacquire the fabulously straight teeth you’ve always dreamed of?
Invisalign aligners aretransparent and are made with smooth SmartTrack material which makesstraightening teeth far more comfortable. As you remove the aligners at mealtimes, and to clean your teeth, then eatingand dental hygiene won’t be an issue either. If you need to take your aligner out for any other reason, for example aspecial occasion, a sport or physical activity, or even playing a musicalinstrument then you absolutely can!
Invisalign will correct overcrowding and gapsin your teeth and only you will know that you’re wearing an aligner. Just leave Invisalign to do the work whilstyou get on with your life.
Regency House DentalPractice in Cheltenham is a registered provider of Invisalign. We arepassionate about achieving outstanding teeth straightening results and we love hearingthe positive feedback from Invisalign patients. Everythingabout Invisalign is more convenient and comfortable for patients,
Contact us today and you’ve taken your first stepstowards a new smile. If you do decide togo ahead with Invisalign we will book your first treatment appointment where wewill scan your teeth with our iTero scanner. We can take a 3D scan of your teeth to determine a treatment plan andcreate your custom-made aligners. The scanner avoids the need for messy moulds,and we can even show you what your teeth will look like after treatment.
Aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours each day, andyou will follow your treatment plan and switch to the next set of aligners whenindicated to do so. We will also arrangeregular appointments at the practice just to check everything is going to plan. The Invisalign system is the most advancedclear aligner system in the world and will move your teeth more predictably andcomfortably than any other.
If you feel your teeth are worth the investment andwant to find out more about Invisalign then visit our website for further information on this amazing treatment and make your teeth yourbest asset.
Regency House Dental Practice
4 Crescent Terrace, Cheltenham GL50 3PE